Public Communications Unit

Council Composition

Section 38 of the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001as amended provides for membership as follows:

(a) the Chairperson of the University Council;

(b) the vice-Chairperson of the University Council;

(c) the Vice-Chancellor of the Public University;

(d) the Deputy Vice-Chancellors;

(e) a representative of a sector relevant to the University depending on its objectives and mission, appointed by the relevant body in that sector;

(f) one member of the District Council elected by the District Council in whose jurisdiction the Public University is situated;

(g) a member of the Convocation elected by the Convocation;

(h) two members of the University Senate elected by Senate;

(i) two members of the Academic staff elected by the Academic Staff Association of the Public University;

(j) a Senior member of the Administrative Staff elected by Senior Administrative Staff;

(k) a member of the National Union of Education Institutions; Support Staff elected by the branch in that University;

(l) two students of the University, one of whom shall be a woman appointed by the Students Union;

(m) three members appointed by a Minister from the public ;

(n) a representative of the Ministry responsible for Finance;

(o) a representative of the Ministry responsible for Higher Education;

(p) two representatives of the constituent colleges, schools and institutes elected by the Chairpersons of the governing councils from among themselves;

(q) two representatives of persons with disabilities , one elected by members of staff who are persons with disabilities and another by National Organizations of persons with disabilities;

The Office of University Secretary is the secretariat to University Council.

Council Committes

Council may from time to time establish Council committees to assist in the governance of the University. Each Committee shall have Council approved terms of reference defining its purpose, role and responsibilities as well as the committee membership, operational and reporting requirements. Where appropriate, the Committee will make recommendations to the Council. Committees are not to take action or make decisions on behalf of the Council unless specifically mandated by prior Council authority to do so.

 Council may from time to time appoint a member of a committee to be Chair of that committee. In the absence of a Chairperson of a committee, the members present and constituting a quorum shall elect a temporary Chairperson from among themselves. Where no specific Chairperson is appointment for a committee, the Chairperson of the Council shall be the Chairperson of that committee.
 A Council committee may, with the approval of Council, establish such subcommittees as it deems necessary or desirable for it to carry out its functions. Unless otherwise specified the Chairperson and the Vice-Chancellor shall, by virtue of their offices, be ex officio members of each committee appointed by Council.

  1. Students’ Affairs and Disciplinary Committee
  2. Quality Assurance Committee
  3. Appointments Board
  4. Finance, Planning, and Development Committee
  5. Estates and Works Committee
  6. Information Communication Services Committee
  7. Audit and Risk Committee
  8. Establishment and Administration Committee
  9. Security Committee
  10. Sports Committee

Council Terms of Referance

1. Council Composition, Rules and Regulations

Section 38 of the Universities and Other Tertiary Intuitions Act, 2001 as amended provides for membership.

2. How one ceases to be a member

(i) Chairpersons may be removed from their positions on grounds of misconduct and failure to perform the duties required of a Chairperson.

(ii) Any Chairperson who is subject of a vote on removal may submit a statement to the Council/Committee, as appropriate, before a vote on removal is taken. The person should be given twenty-one days’ notice to prepare a defense for himself or herself and accusations must be communicated to the person in writing.

(iii) The Chairperson of Council and the Chair of any Council Committee may be removed by two thirds of all the members of Council and Committees respectively.

3. Election

The University Council shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson from among the members of the Council who are not members of staff or students of the University, persons employed by the Public Service or a members of the District Council or Parliament.

4. Absence of Chairperson

(i) Whenever the office of Chairperson is vacant or the Chairperson is absent for any cause the Vice-Chairperson shall discharge the functions of the Chairperson and in the absence of both the Chairperson and Vice-Chancellor such other member elected by the University Council, not being an employee or student of the University, Public Service employee or member of the District Council or Parliament, shall discharge the functions of the Chairperson.

(ii) In the absence of a Chairperson of a Committee, the members present and constituting a quorum shall elect a temporary Chairperson from among them.

5. Absence of Members

If a member has to be absent for a period of more than six months but less than one year, he/she shall be replaced by a temporary appointment; for more than one calendar year, a permanent replacement shall be appointed to complete the remaining term. Replacement procedures shall follow appointment procedures.

6. Tenure

(i) All elected and appointed members other than the representative of the students shall hold office for four years and shall be eligible for re-election. Section 38 (3).

(ii) The students’ representatives on the University Council shall hold office for one year and shall be eligible for reelection so long as they are students (Section 38 (4).

(iii) The Office of a member of the University Council shall become vacant:

  • Upon death;
  • Upon ceasing to be a representative of the particular office or body by virtue of which that person became a member of the University Council;
  • Upon resignation of a member; or
  • Upon being adjudged Bankrupt or of unsound mind.

(iv) The Chairperson and vice-Chairperson shall hold office for a period of four years and shall be eligible for re-election for one more term.

7. Quorum

Half of the members of the University Council, at least five of whom shall not be employees or students of the University shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the University Council.

8. Meetings

(i) There shall be an almanac of Council meetings.

(ii) The University Council shall meet at times and at places that it may determine for the transaction of its business but not less than three ties in each calendar year.

9. Notices

(i) Notices for a Regular Meeting should be issued at least two weeks before the date for the Meeting.

(ii) Notice for a Special meeting of the University Council should be issued at least one week before the date for the meeting and the agenda for the meeting specified with at least one or two items.

(iii) Provided that shorter notice shall not invalidate the proceedings of the Council.

10. Agenda

(i) An Emergency meeting must have a single item on the agenda.

(ii) Documents for a meeting should be circulated at least one week before the date for the meeting.

(iii) Document(s) should not be circulated during a meeting.

(iv) At a meeting, only matters, which have been adopted on the Agenda, shall be discussed.

(v) There shall be time limits specified on the Agenda as the maximum time for debate or discussion of matters at Meetings as follows:-

  • Communication from the Chair(Maximum 10 minutes)
  • Reactions to Communication (Maximum 10 minutes)
  • Each of the other items (Maximum 30 Minutes)

11. Attendance

(i) Every member attending a meeting shall sign his/her name in the attendance book.

(ii) A member of Council should not sign the attendance book on behalf of another member.

(iii) It is unethical for a member to sign the attendance Book and leave the meeting room without the consent of the Chairperson.

12. Ex-Officio Members of Committee

Ex Officio members are not voting members

13. Mobile telephones should either be switched off or in the silent mode.

14. Decisions

(i) The University Council may discharge its functions and exercise its powers not withstanding any vacancy in its membership.

(ii) Any matter for decision by the University Council shall be determined by a majority of the members of the University Council present.

(iii) Voting: In the case of equality of votes, the person presiding over the meeting shall have a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative vote but at any meeting where the Chairperson is being elected or where an annual budget is being approved the decision shall be determined by a majority of two thirds of the members.

(iv) The validity of the proceedings, act or decision of a University Council shall not be affected by any vacancy in the membership of the University Council or by any defect in the appointment of any member or by reason that any person not entitled to do so took part in the proceedings or by reason that the notice was short.

(v) Decisions taken by voting will be arrived at by a simple majority of the members present on motions and issues. Voting shall normally be by either show of hands except on contentious issues where it will be by secret ballot.

(vi) All the actions on decisions taken shall be implemented as specified by the Council.

(vii) The Chairperson of Council in consultation with the Chairperson of a Committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the Committee in matters of urgency provided that such action will be reported for ratification at the meeting of the Council or Committee.

15. Technical Advice/Consultation

(i) The Council and its Committees may in the discharge of its functions invite any person to give technical advice in any meeting.

(ii) Non-members of Council may attend Council to respond to issues and reports before Council on invitation.

16. Emolument


Council Members

Mr. Oloya Stephen

University Secretary
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Mr. Ayikobua Emmanuel Tiyo

Assistant Lecturer/ Academic Staff Rep To Council
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Ms. Lynn Tar Gutu Janet

Lecturer/Academic Staff Rep To Council
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Dr. Kirya Fred

Associate Professor/Dean SHS/ Senate Rep. To Council
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Mr. Stephen Econyu

Senior Librarian/ Admin Staff Rep To Council
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Prof. Percival Christopher Egau

Professor/Dean SET/Senate Rep. To Council
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Mr. Gilbert Bisanga

Driver / Support Staff Rep To Council
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Mr. Abdallah Oyare Shaban

Deputy University Secretary
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Mr. Lawrence Too-Okema

Deputy Vice Chancellor/ Council Member
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Prof. J.R Ikoja Odongo

Vice Chancellor/ Council Member
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